Students » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Valadez Academy is dedicated to providing an educational program for all students on a campus that is a safe, secure environment and free from violence. Valadez student expectations are designed to promote student safety and develop traits of success. A student develops a positive self-image by making appropriate choices. Accepting responsibility for inappropriate choices is an integral part of the learning process. In an effort to support the positive actions of the vast majority of students, disciplinary action will be taken against the few students who fail to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.
The following are VMSA’s expectations for behavior and the consequences for not meeting those expectations. These expectations are for all students while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, while off campus during school hours and while going to or coming from a school activity.
Be Respectful…
· Respect and politeness should be shown to all staff and students, including substitute teachers.
· Follow all directions given by any member of the Valadez staff.
Be Responsible
· Bring to class your planner, homework and all items required by each teacher.
· Be in your seat, ready to learn when then bell rings.
· Use school equipment properly and always clean up after yourself.
· No gum or sunflower seeds on campus.
· Aerosol containers: ACE body spray, deodorant, etc. are not permitted.
· Keep hands, feet, and body to oneself. This includes hugging and displays of affection.
· No inappropriate language, no name calling and no “put-downs” or gossip.
· Laser light pens and permanent markers are not allowed on campus.
· Riding of bicycles, motorized vehicles, rollerblades or scooters on campus is not permitted.
· Advertisement of off campus parties or gatherings is not permitted.
· No soliciting money from other students.
· Writing on oneself or others bodies or clothes is not appropriate behavior.
· Respect the rights and belongings of self and others.
· Remain on campus at all times during school hours.
Break and Lunch Rules:
· Walk to the eating area.
· Wait in lunch lines in single file lines. No “cutting” or saving places in line.
· Eat food only in the designated areas. No eating or drinking on the blacktop, fields or in the classrooms.
· Place trash in trash containers.
· Use only your own electronic pin number to access money in established accounts.
Class/campus misconduct includes, but is not limited to:
· Disruption of instruction or class activities
· Direct defiance of staff authority
· Lack of respect for fellow students
· Use of profanity, foul language or obscene gestures
· Rough or boisterous play/running/chasing
· Dress code violation
· Littering or spitting
· Horseplay/games or activities that involve hitting, pushing, kicking, striking or grabbing.
· Gambling
· Bullying or harassing other students. Bullying is defined as any severe or pervasive physical or verbal act, including communications made in writing or by means of an electronic act, committed by a student or group of students directed towards other students.
Possible interventions and/or consequences to be used by the classroom teacher include: warning, moving seat, written reflection assignments, detentions, parent contact, classroom contract and/or class suspension. Repeated incidents of class misconduct will result in an office referral to the Assistant Principal and/or removal from class.
Administrative disciplinary action for misbehavior may include, but is not limited to parent conference, break/lunch detention, campus beautification/community service, after school detention, Saturday work/study, behavior contract, in-house suspension, school suspension, referral to site guidance committee, involuntary transfer or expulsion.
Students who are issued an after-school detention will be detained for 1 hour till 4:15 PM. Students are given one day’s notice to allow parents to make necessary arrangements. Parents will be contacted by phone and/or with written notice when a student is assigned to Sat. work/study. Re-scheduling of a detention or Sat. work/study may only be requested by a parent and granted by an administrator prior to the assigned date of detention or Sat. work/study. Failure to serve assigned detention or Sat. work/study may result in additional consequences.
Students may be suspended and/or expelled for any or all of the following:
· Causing, attempting to cause, or threatening to cause physical injury to another person [E.C. 48900 (a)]
· Possessing, selling, or otherwise furnishing any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous object [E.C. 48900 (b)]
· Unlawfully possessing, using, selling or otherwise furnishing, or is under the influence of any controlled substance, and alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind [E.C. 48900 (c)]
· Unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any controlled substance, an alcoholic beverage, or an intoxicant of any kind, and then either selling, delivering, or otherwise furnishing to any person another liquid, substance or material and representing the liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant [E.C. 48900 (d)]
· Committing or attempting to commit robbery or extortion [E.C. 48900 (e)]
· Causing or attempting to cause damage to school property or private property [E.C. 48900 (f)]
· Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property [E.C. 48900 (g)]
· Possessing or using tobacco, or any products containing tobacco or nicotine products, including, but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, miniature cigars, clove cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff chew packs, and betel [E.C. 48900 (h)]
· Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity [E.C. 48900 (i)]
· Having unlawful possession of, or unlawfully offering, arranging, or negotiating to sell any drug paraphernalia [E.C. 48900 (j)]
· Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials, or other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties [E.C. 48900 (k)]
· Knowingly receiving stolen school property of private property [E.C. 48900 (l)]
· Possession of an imitation firearm [E.C. 48900 (j)]
· Committing or attempting to commit a sexual assault or committing a sexual battery [E.C. 48900 (n)]
· Harassing, threatening, or intimidating a student who is a witness or complaining witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose or effect of having a negative impact of the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. [E.C. 48900.2]
· Making unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or effect of having a negative impact of the individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment. [E.C. 48900.4]
· Engaging in harassment, threats, or intimidation directed against a pupil or group of pupils, that is sufficiently severe or pervasive to have the actual and reasonable expected effect or materially disrupting classwork, creating substantial disorder, and invading the rights of that pupil or group of pupils by creating an intimidating or hostile educational environment [E.C. 48900.4]
Situations may exist which require the search of students, their property and/or facilities of the school which are assigned for the use of students, such as P.E. lockers, project cabinets, etc. Such searches may be conducted by school officials when reasonable suspicion exists that illegal and/or dangerous objects may be present on school property or at school activities off of school grounds, or when some other violation of law, district policy, or school rules and regulations is imminent or has occurred. Searches of students shall be limited as prescribed by law and may involve the use of a metal detector. Objects seized by school officials will be returned to the parent/guardian upon request unless they have been placed in the custody of law enforcement personnel.
Students are reminded of their absolute responsibility to report to a staff member anything they see or hear that would lead them to believe that the health and/or safety of members of the Valadez school community are in jeopardy (i.e. drugs, alcohol, weapons, explosives, threats to commit violent acts, etc.) Every effort will be made to maintain the anonymity of the reporting party. Students who fail to report may be subject to disciplinary action.
Please Note: Students may also be suspended from school for any other violations of Education Code (EC) Section 48900 or 48915 not specifically listed above.